I would like to personally welcome you to Sunny Bank Primary School.
Sunny Bank is a proud part of The Island Learning Trust, alongside Halfway Houses and Minster-in-Sheppey, sharing a passion to create a positive and rewarding journey, setting high standards.
The school has been transformed since becoming part of the Island Learning Trust (TILT).
With a relentless focus on improving children’s outcomes, so that they can be successful in their future lives, they now have high aspirations and expectations for themselves and their families.
The staff at Sunny Bank are passionate about building a school based on the foundations of success, where our pupils feel safe, happy and secure and can learn and develop skills that enable them to become lifelong learners. This is underpinned by our school vision, values and our Sunny Bank pupil’s character below.
Every staff member, parent and leader strives hard to be the best that we can be to ensure that our children can be the best that they can be.
Sunny Bank Vision, Values and Curriculum Intent
Every child irrespective of background or starting point deserves to be happy, healthy and successful. At Sunny Bank Primary School, we are passionate about fostering children’s innate curiosity and their thirst for knowledge. Every child at Sunny Bank will see themselves as life - long learners acquiring the skills that they need to fulfil this.
Every staff member is focused towards the goal that, before they leave us for the next stage on their journey, EVERY CHILD will achieve the following:
They will:
Become life-long learners. All will maintain their natural and constant curiosity. Have the skills to learn. Know where to start. Have the discipline for regular practice. Be self-aware and be able to reflect on their learning.
Become fluent readers. All will be able to read at their age expected standard.
Have a love of reading. All will see reading as opening a world of possibilities. A place to find pleasure and knowledge.
Become confident mathematicians. All will be fluent with their timestables, have mathematical dexterity and be able to tackle problems at their age expected standards.
Become confident writers. All will have an extensive vocabulary and a command of grammar that will allow them to communicate through writing at an age expected standard.
Enjoy learning new knowledge and acquiring new skills. Understand that each subject has its own disciplinary knowledge and substantive knowledge and will want to learn and practice these, taking pride in their academic achievements.
Seek out new challenges and new ways of thinking. All will have a hunger for new experiences, be confident and resilient in the face of challenges.
Be happy. All will be able to find positives in all situations, be able to self-regulate and be resilient in the face of adversity.
Be kind. All will value the joy that can be experienced by helping others and bringing happiness to others.
Thrive on becoming better friends and making new friends. All will understand the value of building better relationships for their own and everyone’s success and happiness.
Learn to ride a bike, learn to swim and learn how to play an instrument. We believe that these are fundamental opportunities that all children should have access to.
At Sunny Bank Primary School, we understand that all children are individuals and that some children have complex needs which take many forms. At Sunny Bank we aspire to providing an education system that is ambitious, meet their individual needs and flexible enough to enable all of our children to overcome those barriers and be The Best That They Can Be.
Children at Sunny Bank will develop a GROWTH MINDSET becoming REFLECTIVE life long learners with high ASPIRATIONS. Our carefully sequenced curriculum will provide all of our learners with the BEST EXPERIENCES, the skills that they need to thrive in life and enable them to contribute as GLOBAL CITIZENS.
We are a school at the centre of our local community and through this our children become CONFIDENT individuals equipped with the RESILIENCE and EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE to build strong healthy RELATIONSHIPS.
Through well planned, coherent, sequenced curriculum our children develop the knowledge and skills for future learning. All pupils make good or accelerated progress to ensure that they are meeting their next steps towards the same end points. For those with high levels of SEND our curriculum is designed to be ambitious and to meet their individual needs.
We want the best for each child because they deserve no less. We believe that children learn best when learning is exciting, challenging, creative, collaborative, practical, reflective and meaningful. Learning should inspire children to ask questions and to wonder, providing them with memorable experiences and a sense of awe.
I would be delighted to show you around our school as I am very proud of the pupils and staff.
J Allen
Head of School