At Sunny Bank we believe that music is a vital component of the curriculum as it stimulates complex thinking which requires high levels of precision. It demands commitment and imaginative decision making. It is a powerful medium for communication between people of different ages, cultures and social backgrounds. The art of music is the aesthetic organisation of sound using the elements of rhythm, pitch, dynamics, timbre and texture, within a variety of structures. There is evidence to show that musical skills are transferable, promoting high level intellectual and physical attainment and evoking profound emotional response. Successful participation in music develops pupils’ self-esteem, well-being, confidence and learning skills. It is an effective medium for self-expression, engenders enjoyment, enhances co-operative working and promotes a sense of community.
Weekly music lessons, build upon and further develop a range of skills within this area of the curriculum.
children are encouraged to use music as a tool to express thoughts, have the freedom to reflect on experience and articulate their understanding.
We attend musical events such as London’s 02 Arena to take part in ‘Young Voices’.
Dance workshops such has Bhangra develop musical movement and expression.
Children are encouraged to participate in the school choir.
Children participate in weekly singing assemblies.
Children are given the opportunities to record their own music and create songs around real-life events.