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Sunny Bank Primary School

Sunny BankPrimary School

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Sunny Bank Primary School

'to be the best we can be'

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Sunny Bank Primary School

Welcome Slideshow

Welcome to Sunny Bank

Sunny Bank is a proud part of The Island Learning Trust, alongside Halfway Houses and Minster-in-Sheppey, sharing a passion to create a positive and rewarding journey, setting high standards.

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House Points

  • 168


  • 214


  • 148


  • 223


We are part ofThe Island Learning Trust

We are committed to creating a learning community in which children are perseverant, resilient risk takers who take responsibility for their learning and develop their critical creative and social abilities fully.

We believe that children learn best when learning is: exciting, challenging, creative, collaborative, practical, reflective and meaningful. Learning should inspire children to ask questions and to wonder. It should provide them with memorable experiences.

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