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Sunny Bank Primary School

Sunny BankPrimary School

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Late/Absence Procedures

The entire staff community at Sunny Bank Primary recognise the significance of

good attendance and punctuality to give the children the best chances in life. 

       In order to achieve high levels of attendance and punctuality we will continue to:


  • Offer a safe, trusting and supportive environment, which welcomes children regardless of race, gender or ability where they can flourish as individuals

  • Foster a climate where the school community, teachers, parents and carers, trustees and children value attendance and punctuality

  • Ensure any child presenting poor levels of attendance and punctuality are monitored, supported and appropriate action taken when necessary

  • Have systems in place offering rewards and incentives for good attendance and punctuality

  • Keep parents and carers informed about their child’s attendance through established procedures

  • Work in partnerships with parents and carers, the Education Welfare Service, Social Services, Early Help and other outside agencies


Parents and carers can help us to achieve high expectations of 100% attendance by ensuring:

  • Children attend regularly and on time

  • Children are prepared adequately for the school day

  • School is informed of any concerns which could impact on their child’s learning 

  • Medical appointments are arranged outside of school hours when possible


Authorised Absence

Absence may be authorised for the following reasons:

  • Sickness

  • Religious Observance in accordance with Local Authority guidelines

  • Medical or Dental appointments which cannot be arranged outside of school hours. Where possible parents and carers should try to arrange these appointments outside of school hours

  • Extenuating circumstances (authorised by the Head of School)

  • From the 1st September 2013, the new law gives no entitlement to parents to take their child on holiday during term time. Any application for leave must only be in exceptional circumstances and the Head of School must be satisfied that the circumstances are exceptional and warrant the granting of leave. School Leaders would not be expected to class any term time holiday as exceptional.


Unauthorised Absences

       Absences may be recorded as unauthorised for the following reasons:

  • Late after registration is closed (unless the parent provides a legitimate reason or evidence for the absence)

  • Any absence which the school has not been informed about, either by letter or telephone

  • Any family holiday that has not been authorised by the Head of School.


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