Our Curriculum Intent
An overview of our school Curriculum
Children at Sunny Bank will develop a GROWTH MINDSET becoming REFLECTIVE lifelong learners with high ASPIRATIONS. Our carefully sequenced curriculum will provide all of our learners with the BEST EXPERIENCES, the SKILLS THAT THEY NEED TO THRIVE IN LIFE and enable them to be the best they can be, making a positive contribution to the world they live in.
We are a school at the centre of our local community and through this our children become CONFIDENT individuals equipped with the RESILIENCE and EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE to build strong healthy RELATIONSHIPS.
Through well planned, coherent, sequenced curriculum our children develop the KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS FOR FUTURE LEARNING. All pupils make GOOD OR ACCELERATED PROGRESS to ensure that they are meeting their NEXT STEPS TOWARDS THE SAME END POINTS. For those with high levels of SEND our curriculum is designed to be AMBITIOUS AND TO MEET THEIR INDIVIDUAL NEEDS.
Every term, the children in each year group will concentrate on a specific area of an over arching trust wide topic which has been carefully planned by colleagues across the trust and builds on concepts taught from the previous year.
Each theme has been influenced by the National Curriculum programmes of study whilst taking in to account our children's starting points and life experiences. The themes are centred around both modern and historical themes and include opportunities for our children to learn about a range of local and global places and events. We believe that our curriculum is more realistic and meaningful when appropriate cross-curricular links are made and learning is not only broad and balanced but also relevant.
Thinking and speaking are intrinsically linked and are a key thread of every part of our curriculum places an emphasis on language. We prioritise the teaching of reading as we believe that reading is the window to all areas of learning.
The knowledge, understanding and skill of subject areas are planned to support the research of the topic that will be covered, giving purpose, momentum and motivation to learning. All foundation subjects with the exception of MFL and PE link to termly themes where the links are strong. Our RE curriculum follows the Kent agreed syllabus
Most of all we aim to enjoy our learning, have fun together and develop positive attitudes to what we hope will be life-long learning for all.
- All subject teaching places a high emphasis on “language for learning” where topic and subject specific vocabulary is introduced, discussed, and explored.
- Children are expected to read in every curriculum subject.
- Each subject is adapted according to the needs to every learner. We offer an inclusive curriculum that all children thrive in.
- Our curriculum topics have been carefully chosen and allow for children to learn more and remember more.
- Lessons are planned carefully following our curriculum road maps to ensure coverage across every subject and clear progressions.
- Learning environments have a range of working walls and displays to showcase children’s work. These are referred to throughout the teaching of the curriculum. Displays are language rich which supports learning.
- Every term, a hook and exit point is planned for each topic to ignite their children’s passion for learning and to work towards a goal at the end of the term.
- Our curriculum is rooted in our core values which are: Resilience, Optimism, Ambition and Responsibility.
Our Termly topics are;
Term 1: Home and Away
This theme provides the children with an insight in to the historical and geographical context of their own local environment. They will be able to explore their local community and find out more about the rich heritage beyond the knowledge they may already have through first hand experiences. They will be able to use a range of primary and secondary sources to bring their learning to life.
Term 2: Time Tunnel
This topic enables pupils to explore key episodes of British and world civilisations in history. They will question and understand the past and the impact of key times and events that have impacted upon our world today. Pupils will learn how each era was different to the next providing them with a context to understand ourselves and others.
Term 3: One World
This theme enables pupils to have a deeper understanding of the world around them. They will begin by exploring the four countries within the United Kingdom and will begin to understand the difference between physical features such as coasts and mountains. They will then move on to explore mountains and features of Europe and different continents around the world before finally studying migration and the effects of this across the world.
Term 4: Through the ages
This theme will enable pupils to have an understanding of periods of time that have had a significant impact on the way we live our lives in modern day Britain. They will learn about ancient civilisations and will question and understand the past and the impact of key times and events that have impacted upon our world today. Pupils will learn how each era was different to the next providing them with a context to understand ourselves and others.
Term 5: Environmental Explorers
This theme has been designed in order to enable pupils to broaden their geographical picture of the world. Pupils will learn about key physical aspects of the world we live in and how life has adapted to living in extreme environments. Pupils will also explore wider global issues such as human impact on climate change and pollution alongside an understanding of the need for humans to take responsibility to address these issues to help play an active role in our future.
Term 6: Going Global
This topic will enable pupils to learn about topical, world issues such as world trade, famines, pollution. They will learn about the impact of these on civilisation and economic and social change. They will learn about these issues from a local and international view point giving them increased understanding of the world around them.
Through the implementation of a broad, balanced, engaging curriculum we will enable our pupils to experience more, know more and remember more and develop positive mental and physical wellbeing to become future citizens of the world.
We measure the impact of the curriculum through:
Reflecting on standards achieved against planned outcomes
Celebrating learning with planned events such as open afternoons, sharing of passport for learning projects and discussion of pupil's learning.
Work samples and moderation demonstrating mastery and greater depth
Tracking of data against expectations through termly assessment booklets
Revisiting prior learning and assessing knowledge at the start of a topic.