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Sunny Bank Primary School

Sunny BankPrimary School

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Forest School



Forest school is an outdoor learning experience which supports pupils with their well being, self-esteem and social skills. The open and free environment fosters the development of children’s natural intelligence and provides activities which enable them to problem solve and ask questions; improving their resilience and concentration skills.

The ethos of Forest Schools is to allow children the time and space to develop skills, interest and understanding through a range of activities which provide practical, hands-on experiences in a natural environment. Here at Sunnybank small groups of children across Key Stage one and Key stage Two access a six week program of Forest school activities, with our qualified Forest School Leader, Mrs Lougheed.


The Forest School sessions encourage children to grow in confidence and boosts self esteem, giving children the opportunity to flourish in a small group which has a positive impact on mental health and emotional well-being. 


Please see the link to Nature detectives which is full of ideas and activities which will encourage your children to develop a love for the outdoors.



Forest school Involves:

• Child initiated learning;

• Being outdoors

• Integration with the National Curriculum

• Delivery by a trained leader (Level 3) 

• Fun


Forest School helps to develop:

• Confidence and self-esteem;

• Communication and social skills

• Physical skills

• Greater understanding and awareness of the natural environment

• Natural motivation and a positive attitude to learning

• The ability to recognise and manage risk

• Healthier lifestyles.


Forest School Aims:

• To provide an opportunity for individuals to develop, to learn and to enjoy themselves.

• To provide a safe and non-threatening environment in which children can take risks, make choices and initiate their own learning.

• To help children understand, appreciate and care for the natural environment.

• To provide ways of developing practical life skills in an outdoor environment.

• To develop self-esteem, confidence and a positive disposition to learning through the completion of small, achievable tasks.

• To meet the needs of children with all learning styles

• To develop social and team working skills

• To enable children to be independent, self-motivated and considerate.

• To be true to the forest school ethos and approach

• To develop a secure, happy and welcoming environment.

• To provide stimulation and varied learning activities appropriate to the child’s needs and stages of development.

• To help each child build self-esteem, confidence, independence and self-control and interpersonal skills.







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