Tuesday 9th February
Good evening everybody,
I have completed a risk assessment on our school site today and Andy, our caretaker, has worked hard to clear pathways so that it is accessible.
To support our families that are critical workers, enabling parentsto go to work, we will be able to open on Tuesday 9th February.
Please bear in mind however that we will be operating on a skeleton staff so if you are able to keep your child safely at home with you, then this will be the best option.
Remote learning for all classes will resume tomorrow and so all pupils can access learning opportunities from home.
For those children that need to attend, and can get to school safely, then our gates will open at 8.30am as usual. Nursery will also be open for all children to attend.
Road conditions leading to the school are still hazardous and further heavy snowfall is expected overnight. Should this lead to conditions deteriorating then I may need to close the school at short notice in the morning.
It is a difficult job to try and balance the need to remain open to support our families in critical jobs, for childcare and for those children that need to be in school with the importance of ensuring that all staff, children and families remain safe in such treacherous conditions. Sunny Bank will do all it can to support our community and we greatly value your patience and support.
I can see from our Facebook page that many of you have enjoyed the snow day - I love the pictures of all the snowmen and snow angels that you have shared.
Stay safe and take care.
Mr Waters