Times Tables Rockstars
As you may know, part of the maths curriculum is for children to learn their times tables up to 12x12 and to be able to recall these rapidly from memory. To support children with learning their times tables, we have invested in a web-based app called Times Tables Rock Stars.
TTRS supports children with learning and revising the tables in a fun, game-style way. You can access this app through the internet at https://play.ttrockstars.com or by downloading the Times Tables Rock Stars app from your app store. There is also a video guide that can be accessed and watched by clicking here plus a parent guide here
Your child will have a personal login and password, which can be found in front of their School Planner. At this time, their teacher will set the tables your child will need to focus on and the Garage practice sessions will focus on these, meaning your child will receive an individualised program of learning.
Teachers have set weekly sessions as part of your child’s maths homework. This means a specific game mode will be set for an allocated amount of time and your child will be locked out of other areas until they have completed this session. A ‘little and often’ approach is best; therefore, teachers have set 30 sessions per week. We recommend that children play for 6 minutes at least 5 times a week.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Johnson
Assistant Headteacher