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Sunny Bank Primary School

Sunny BankPrimary School

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Term 1 - information


We hope you have all had a great Summer break and the children have settled into learning wonderfully. Just to touch base and remind you all with some key points within Sunny Bank School.


Start and end of the day 

Children will enter and the leave the school via the side gate on Gorse Road/Thistle walk. We are a school in the heart of our community so please can parents and carers be mindful and respectful of the residents that live close to the school during the drop off and pick up times.  


Timings of the day 

Drop off  

All entrance gates will be open at 08:30am every morning and the children will be welcomed by Mrs Loughnane, Mrs Newbury and a member of SLT.  

Nursery and Reception 

Nursery and Year R doors will open at 8:45am for the children to enter the nursery and Year R. Children can enter this way until 8:55am when the gates will be closed. Parents of children in nursery and reception can accompany the children to the nursery and Year R door. If children arrive after 8:55am they will need to enter the school through the Main Reception gate at the front of the school where they will be signed in and will be marked as late if after 9am.  

Year 1 to Year 6 

Parents of children in Year 1 – 6 can drop the children off at the gate in the morning between 8:30am and 8:45am. Parents are not permitted onto the playground in the morning. These gates will be closed at 8:45am. If children arrive after 8:45am they will need to enter the school through the Main Reception gate at the front of the school where they will be signed in. Children arriving after 9pm will be marked as Late.


Any children arriving after 9.10 will be marked as unauthorised late. This is a statutory regulation from DFE.


Every moment a child is late = missed learning. Children that are on time start the day settled, relaxed and ready to learn. Children that arrive late are often stressed and embarrassed and take a while to settle into their day. Late arrivals cause disruption within the class which has an effect on everyone.


Pick up  

The gates will be opened at 3:10pm.  

Nursery and Reception 

Nursery and reception children will be dismissed at 3:10 from the same drop off point. 

Year 1 to Year 6  

Children in Year 1 to Year 6 will be dismissed at 3:15pm. At drop off time parents can enter via the gate on Gorse road/Thistle way and make their way to the playground. The teachers will bring their classes to the playground and dismiss the children straight to their parents. There are lots of children to dismiss. In order to do this safely and effectively, please can I ask that parents stay back on the playground until their children are dismissed to them. If parents wish to speak to the teacher at the end of the day, please can I ask that they wait until the teacher has dismissed all of the children.  

If you have any questions about this, please can you email the office.


Breakfast club and after school club 

We offer a free breakfast and after school club for children from Reception to Year 6. If you wish for your children to attend either of these, please can you complete a form which can be collected from the office. Times of these clubs are as follows: 

Breakfast Club – 7.30am start 

Activity & Sports after school clubs – finish at 4.15pm 

Creativity after school club - finishes 5pm 


Paying for school dinners 

We have an online system for parents to pay for school dinners. The school is now cashless so all payments will now need to be made using the Arbor system. Please remember to pay in advance for your child’s school dinners, and not occur a debt.


If you have any questions about anything, please do send a message via dojo to your child’s class teacher or to the school office. 


We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support.



Yours Sincerely  


Mr Allen  

Head of School  


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