STEM week
Dear Parents,
I am excited to tell you that our STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) week will be taking place on the week of 20th March this year, where we will be celebrating STEM with schools around the country.
We have planned lots of opportunities for the children to become scientists. There will be investigations, assemblies and lessons that have a science link to them. In addition, we will host our very own Science Fair and winners from this will join a Collaboration Science Fair involving all of the TILT Trust Schools.
Our Science Fair, will be held on Thursday 23rd March and winners from school will be selected. There will be a winner from all classes, Acorn, Birch, Cedar, Hawthorn, Juniper and Oak. The winners from each school will then attend Minster Primary School - date TBC. Parents are invited to Sunny Bank’s Science Fair on Thursday 23rd March at 2:00pm as part of our termly parent open afternoon. Some entries to the science fair will be in the main hall and parents may enter through the hall door. For the Science Fair we are inviting each child to participate by creating a scientific project at home that will need to be brought into school ready for Thursday 23rd March. The project itself can be simple but it must include scientific explanations including diagrams, pictures, written explanations and/or photos. Ideas will be discussed with children in assembly and website links are below.
There is a lot of information online – if you Google search ‘science projects for children’. We want the children to enjoy investigating the world around them – and believe this is a great way to develop their scientific curiosity and understanding.
Kind regards, Mr Allen and Mrs Willing (Science Lead)