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Sunny Bank Primary School

Sunny BankPrimary School

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Sports Week


We are delighted to announce that, as per our yearly calendar on our website, our sports week is being held on week commencing 1st July. During this week the children will all be involved in lots of different sporting activities.


This year, our annual sports day will be held on Wednesday 3rd July. We know that it is sometimes difficult, however, we strongly encourage as many parents as possible to come along and support the children. Not only do the children love having their parents there watching them but it also really helps the children to develop that sense of community.


The children will take part in a range of different activities within their classes, and you will be able to watch and encourage the children on as they attempt the different events.


Please can you ensure the children bring their PE kits and a bottle of water to school. We would also kindly ask that sun cream is applied in the morning and a sun hat can be worn if you wish.


Sports day start times for the year groups are set out below:


Year R will start at 9: 30


Birch and Cedar class will start at 10:00


Hawthorn, Juniper and Oak class will start at 11:00


Parents and carers should come through the main gate at the front of the school on the day. We look forward to seeing you all on 3rd July.



Kind Regards,



Mr Allen

Head of School

Sunny Bank Primary School

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