Sickness Bug - letter to parents
Recently we have had a high number of cases of sickness and diarrhoea at school among pupils and staff which seem to be persisting.
We have already implemented measures including an increase in hand washing, extra daily cleaning of surfaces in the classrooms and communal areas and have been following the NHS guidance, ensuring staff and children are not returning to school for a clear 48 hours following an instance of sickness.
Today, we have implemented further measures to try to put a final stop to the passing on of this stomach bug. We have instigated today, class bubbles to reduce instances of children and adults mixing throughout the day. This will be in place at least this week. We implemented this today with very little disruption to any of the children’s school day or routine and without any issue. I held a remote Teams assembly with the whole school to share with them the temporary routines and to also reassure the children that there is no need to worry, these are just extra precautions that we are taking.
We are aware that some children find changes to routines tricky, but our children are very resilient. We have an excellent pastoral team at SB and have met to ensure that all children’s needs are continuously met.
Over the next 3 days children will be taught in one class with minimal movement of adults. The children in each class have each been allocated their own set of toilets to use. Children who have packed lunches will eat in their classrooms and children who have school dinners will eat in the dining hall within their own class bubbles. Each class has also been given an area of playground for their own class and a set of outside equipment. All children have been given their own set of equipment to use in a labelled pack so that they are not sharing equipment.
The pickup and drop off times and places will remain the same for parents. Children in Cedar, Hawthorn, Juniper and Oak class will still be collected from the main playground; however they will be more spread out. Please could parents stand well back from the building, so that all parents can clearly see where the different classes will be waiting for collection.
We have a rigorous cleaning and handwashing regime in place, and we have a fogging machine that will be used to disinfect all of the classrooms this evening. These measures should be enough to put a halt to this stomach bug.
We have cancelled sports clubs for this week, however breakfast club and after school creativity club can still go ahead, as we have enough space to keep the children from mixing during this time.
We do needs parents help and support with this and are aware that we have siblings in different classes that will mix at home.
Please ensure that if your child has any sickness or diarrhoea that they remain off school for 48 hours from the last incident of sickness and diarrhoea.
It is good hygiene practice for children to wash their hands before and after eating and it would be helpful if this could be continued at home.
Ensure children are washing their hands well after using the toilet.
Ensure children are attending school with clean and washed clothes every day.
Please do not send children in with any pencil cases from home, all equipment that they need will be provided in school.
Please remember that these are precautionary measure to stop the spread and reduce the impact on children’s and staff attendance and that this is not cause for worry. I am quite certain that having these measures in place will be enough.
If you have any questions, please do speak to your class teacher or a member of SLT.
I thank you in advance, as always, for your support as partners in our children’s education.
Mr Allen