Science Week
Next week, schools around the country will be celebrating ‘Science Week’.
Here at Sunny Bank Primary School we have planned lots of opportunities for the children to become scientists and start investigating. There will be whole school investigations, assemblies and lessons that have a science link to them.
The theme for this year’s Science Week is ‘Growth’. As you are aware, the crisis we currently have with the amount of plastics in the ocean is devastating. During the week, we will be looking at ways we can decrease the amount of plastics we use to ensure we are doing our best to help look after our environment. We will be creating posters and the winners will receive prizes!
We will once again host our very own Science Fair this year on Thursday 17th March.
All children are invited to create a science project at home. This should include the project itself with scientific explanations including diagrams, pictures, written explanations and/or photos. Please ensure all projects are labelled with the child’s name and class. All projects should be taken to the hall where parents are able to help set up projects.
There will be prizes in each year group! Ideas will be discussed with children in assembly and in class. There is a lot of information online – so please google search ‘science projects for children’. Some of these ideas include making slime, creating the different components of blood, exploring sound by making a string telephone, making a lava lamp and many more.
We will have the hall set up with all projects at the end of the school day and would like to invite families in to come and see our amazing projects. All projects can then be taken home on Friday.
We are looking forward to another exciting week at Sunny Bank and as always, please keep an eye on our website, Facebook and Dojo for many fantastic photos of our week!