Reading Open Afternoon
I am delighted to invite parents to this term’s parent open afternoon on Thursday 26th. Reading for our pupils is so vitally important to all learning and we are inviting parents to come in and support children with some craft activities, focused on reading, to listen their children read and do some fun activities with them. It is a fantastic opportunity for our children to show parents their reading skills and to raise the profile of reading at Sunny Bank.
We encourage as many parents as possible to attend.
Parents will be able to enter the school at 13:30 via the main reception. There will be a brief presentation in the main hall to explain how we teach reading across the school and how parents can support children at home.
Following this, parents will then be shown to the children’s classrooms. For those who have more than one child in the school we ask that the time is split between siblings and that parents visit the youngest sibling’s class first.
Learning support assistants will guide the adults to the older sibling’s class(es) when required.
Parents will be able to take their children home from 15:00 and will be required to sign them out with the class teacher. For any children whose parents are unable to attend the normal school end time will apply.
I look forward to seeing you all on the 26th May.
Mr Allen