Parent Survey Results
Thank you to all parents that attended our parents evening and completed our Parent Survey. I am pleased to share with you the results. We have been working really well together as partners to make our school the best that it can be for our children and the results from our survey show the impact of our partnership. It is fantastic to see that 97% of our parents would recommend our safe and happy school where behaviour is good and children learn well. This is thanks to our effective partnership. Thank you to all the children, staff, parents and children that have contributed to this success on a daily basis.
We will be looking at areas that are not yet above 90% and continue to work on these with parents so that we can do even better.
Our children are at the heart of everything that we do and I will urge parents to let us know when things arise that need addressing. Please do continue to speak to class teachers face to face or through Class Dojo or a member of SLT and I know from here we will continue to go from strength to strength.
Mr Allen
View the results HERE