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Sunny Bank Primary School

Sunny BankPrimary School

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Parent Consultations and Survey Results


Thank you to all parents that attended our parent consultation evenings. I know that it can be difficult for working parents and it is really important that we work together to get the best results for our children. If you did not attend a parents consultation evening, please could you contact your child’s class teacher through Class Dojo and arrange a convenient time after school.


Thank you also to all of our parents that have completed our Parent Survey. We are really pleased with the results. Parents can find the results HERE.


The survey tells us that over 90% of our parents are happy with the provision that is in place for our children.


Parents feel that:

  • Our children are happy at school
  • Our children feel safe
  • They do well at Sunny Bank
  • They have access to clubs
  • The school deals effectively with bullying
  • The school deals well with bullying


94% of our parents feel that they would recommend our school to others. It is also encouraging to see that parents feel that our SEND department is strong.


I am very proud of our staff and children who make Sunny Bank school such a fantastic place for our children to learn. I would like to thank all of our parents for working with us in partnership and contributing to our successes.


We are always looking for the next step in improving our working partnership and I have taken into consideration the suggestions for improvements from the survey. There are still a small minority of parents who are not happy with the way that we deal with bullying and resolve issues and I am really passionate about ensuring that all children, 100% of our children are successful which is reflected in our school vision. I have an open door policy and would always encourage any parents that are not satisfied, especially with the areas identified to come and speak to, either the teacher, a member of SLT or to me so that we can resolve any issues the parents are perceiving. Partnerships are successful when we work together. 


Within the comments section, among other things, parents said that they would like us to help parents to support their children with learning at home, do more to communicate and include working parents and communicate upcoming events in a more condensed way. The senior leadership team will be reviewing these areas and including them within our school improvement plan.


Thank you in advance, as always, for your support as partners in our children’s education.


Mr Allen

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