NCSC launches online game to give children a head start with staying cyber secure
A new online game has been launched to help primary schools, clubs and other youth groups teach children about cyber security from an early age.
CyberSprinters is a free interactive game, developed by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) – a part of GCHQ, aimed at 7 to 11-year-olds.
The online game sees players become a ‘cybersprinter’ who is racing against its own depleting battery power. Users can win battery power by correctly answering questions about cyber security but face losing it if they bump into ‘cybervillains’.
The game comes as part of a pack of educational resources which illustrate what good cyber security practice looks like, from creating strong passwords to being vigilant about receiving messages from unknown senders.
Sarah Lyons, NCSC Deputy Director for Economy and Society Engagement, said:
“Our CyberSprinters game offers a fun, free, interactive way for children to understand how to make good choices to protect themselves, their devices and any online accounts.
CyberSprinters is designed to make learning about cyber security fun and interactive at a time when children might begin to seek more independence online.
In addition to the game, the CyberSprinters materials, accessible from the NCSC website, also include educational presentations and activities for children to complete.