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Sunny Bank Primary School

Sunny BankPrimary School

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Monday 8th February - SCHOOL CLOSED


Good evening everybody,

Due to further risk assessments and concerns regarding the treacherous nature of the roads this evening, with cars already struggling to access Sunny Bank, I have made the difficult decision that the school will remain closed to all pupils on MONDAY 8th FEBRUARY.

I have also decided that tomorrow will be a Snow Day for our staff and children and therefore there will be no remote learning - instead use the time to build snowmen, start a snowball fight or just curl up and watch through a window... remember to follow COVID guidance as you enjoy the snow ⛄️ though.

Remote learning will resume on Tuesday 9th February and I will confirm tomorrow whether the school will reopen for key workers/vulnerable pupils.

Stay safe and please put photos and messages of your Snow Day on Class Dojo.

Mr Waters



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