Kent Test
The Kent Test (11+) 2022 will be taking place on Thursday 8th September 2022. The current year 5 children will have the opportunity to register for this test between 1st June 2022 and 30th June 2022.
The Kent test is designed to assess whether Grammar School is a suitable option for children. The test is in two separate booklets, one called Reasoning which tests verbal, non-verbal and spatial skills and the other is English and Maths.
At Sunny Bank Primary School, we would like to support any families who wish for their child to take the Kent Test. We are looking into running an after school club to support those who would like to take the test, further information about this will follow shortly. We will also be available to support any families to apply for the Kent Test between 1st June and 30th June.
If you have any questions about the Kent test or the application process, please do send Mrs Hales a message on Dojo and she can arrange a meeting.