End of Term 5 Reward
Dear Parent/Carers,
As we shared with you at the beginning of the year, we are following a new behaviour policy this year. Our school rules are linked to our school values; following the rules and demonstrating the values leads to house/Dojo points. We have 4 houses: Taylor, Smeed, Opie and Lloyd.
On a weekly basis, the winning house has the school trophies decorated in their colour for the week. At the end of the term, we introduced a reward for the house that has scored the most points across the whole term. Term 5, the house with the most points is …
As a reward, all children who are in this house will be allowed to come to school in non-uniform on 18th June 2021. If they are not in this house, they will be expected to be wearing their school uniform. Parents will be asked to bring uniform in for any children not wearing it when they should.
Well done to the winning house. You have made all the staff of Sunny Bank, very proud.
Thank you
Mrs S Riggs
Assistant Head