Christmas Fayre Thursday 19th December
We are delighted to invite you to our Christmas Fayre on the afternoon of Thursday 19th December. Our new PTA “Friends of Sunny Bank Primary School” will be running the fayre this year so I do hope that you will all attend and show your support. I will send out a communication closer to the time with a list of the exciting attractions at the fayre including prices. We have lots of fun and excitement planned – including our Santa’s Grotto.
There will be a variety of stalls and activities and it will be lots of fun! Christmas fayres are charitable events which bring the community together and help to raise a little bit of money for the school.
We normally ask for donations from businesses and families. The donations we are asking for, are anything that we can raffle or put in our tombola. Any donations that you can make would be greatly appreciated and we would welcome; bottles, toys, items that can be sold on our Bric a Brac stall, wrapped chocolates, sweets, tins, toiletries (unused), household, beauty etc. We would also be grateful for donations of cakes or biscuits (shop bought). However, we ask that any perishable items such as these, be brought in no earlier than 17th December. Also, if you have any good condition soft cuddly toys that you are able to donate, we are hoping to have a soft toy tombola.
We will be sending out more information about donations soon. All donations can be given to Mrs Newbury, Mrs Loughnane or any member of the PTA.
If any parents would like to help set/up or run a stall please could you contact Mrs O’Reilly via the office.
We will also have some small local businesses holding stalls and selling their products. If anyone would be interested in holding a stall at our Christmas fayre, please get in contact with Miss Loughnane, who will be able to provide more information.
We will be sending out more details about our fantastic Christmas Fayre, closer to the time.
Mr Allen
Head of School