Business as Usual at Sunny Bank Primary School Following Temporary Closure
Sunny Bank Primary School is pleased to announce that it is back to business as usual following a temporary closure on Friday, June 16th. The school experienced an unexpected closure but was able to reopen its doors to all children on Tuesday, after a mere two days.
Thanks to the remarkable efforts of the Island Learning Trust and dedicated school staff, supported by Kent Property Team, the necessary adjustments were swiftly made to minimise disruption to the children's learning. Offices, the library, and several classrooms were relocated to the new buildings on site, ensuring a seamless continuation of scheduled lessons and exciting learning activities planned for the Summer term.
"We are thrilled to be back in action and to provide our students with the high-quality education they deserve," said Jack Allen, Head of School at Sunny Bank Primary School. "Our dedicated team rallied together to ensure that the disruption to our students' education was minimised and we even managed to deliver our planned Bikeability course on the Tuesday of reopening."
Sunny Bank Primary School emphasises the importance of learning to ride a bike safely for all its students. Recognising this vital life skill, the school has utilised its sports premium legacy funding to invest in brand new bicycles. Every child at Sunny Bank is provided with the opportunity to learn to ride a bike, promoting a healthy lifestyle, environmental consciousness, and responsible citizenship.
The school is eagerly looking forward to upcoming events, including Sports Week, a whole school art project with Murston Church, scootability, Summer fayre and the highly anticipated end-of-year activities for Year 6, such as the prom and end-of-year performance. The children at Sunny Bank have taken these recent challenges in their stride, demonstrating their resilience and determination to thrive.
While future plans for the original building are being explored in collaboration with Kent County Council (KCC), Sunny Bank Primary School is fortunate to have ample space and an excellent team dedicated to ensuring that every child receives the best education possible and realises their full potential.
Sunny Bank Primary School remains committed to its mission to ensuring that the staff, parents and children be the best they can be, and this recent experience serves as a shining example of the school's dedication to this goal.