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Sunny Bank Primary School

Sunny BankPrimary School

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2024 - 2025 Sunny Bank PTA


Dear Parents/Carers


Next year, we are looking to strengthen our parent and community partnership even further by launching our PTA. We are looking for parents, family members and community members to set up and join the Sunny Bank PTA. The PTA will help to organise and run activities that will enhance our children’s experience and raise funds for our community school. 


We are looking for parents and community members who can dedicate a little time each term to help organise termly discos, Christmas markets, Fayres and any other activities that we generate. Please can you complete the form with your details to register your interest. Once we have an idea of the type of interest we will organise our first meeting.




Please also see below more information about joining as a member of a PTA.


What is a PTA?

We would like to create a group of parents, family members and school stakeholders who come together to organise events held in and around the school for the children of the school and our local community. We want everyone to know they are welcome to help and volunteer in any/many capacities.


What are the benefits?

They can vastly improve the life of a school community, and positively impact the educational experience by developing effective relationships between the school, parents/carers and the wider community. Every school deserves one, and there has never been a more urgent time for us to come together for the benefit of our children and the school community. PTA’s raise extra funds through a wide range of fun and creative initiatives, events, and much, much more. They are also known as HSA, PA, PTFA, PTA, or better still, Superheroes!


What are we considering for year 2024/2025?

Funds will need to grow from event to event, so with a careful plan we hope to start with cost minimal events, which will allow us to build funds for larger events and will start to lay the foundations to grow our PTA community. We would love to organise events such as; movie evenings, discos, treat shops after school as well as seasonal events for Halloween, Christmas and Easter.



It would be great to hear from any parents/carers who have any time to spare to help support the Sunny Bank PTA Association to hold an event this academic year. If you don’t have the time but have ideas or know of any companies/services which may be able to support the school, please let us know. 


I look forward to our new partnership venture. 


I thank you in advance, as always, for your support as partners in our children’s education.



Mr Allen

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